Wed. Mar 26th, 2025


Academic Documents

Read from a selection of academic documents that relate to Intentism.

N.B They may not necessarily subscribe to the Intentist manifesto.

Academic Documents

Quotations and references can be made from the documents but authorship must be acknowledged. Use of more than a page of a document must be requested via contacting Intentism at Thank you

  1. Mystory for the epoch of Electracy by Teresa Troutman

An Intentionalist thesis. The mystory is an experimental genre created by Gregory L. Ulmer at the University of Florida as a pedagogical tool and a self-reflective practice. The goal of writing a mystory is to create the mood in the mystoriographer that awakens the creative and inventive ways of thinking that differs from traditional hermeneutic methods of inquiry used in a Humanities education.

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2. Towards an Intentist Method of Translation by Samantha Christie

Samantha Christie is a translator from French and Spanish into English and is currently pursuing the MA in Literary Translation at UEA. Specialist interests include translation in the areas of detective fiction, graphic novels and music, and the relationship between author and translator.


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3. Royal College of Art ‘Battle of Ideas’ Presentation

The full transcript of Vittorio Pelosi’s presentation at The Royal College of Art. Vittorio Pelosi was debating intention and authorship with, amongst others, John Sutherland and George Szirtes. The video can be watched in the video section of this site.

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4. La Intencion en la Composicion Musical (Intention in Musical Composition) by Patricio Calatayud

Patricio Calatayud has been writing on intention and the arts for several years. Here is his bachelor’s degree in music composition and intention.

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5. The Work of Art in the Age of A.I. and Neuroscience

An article appeared in New Scientist Magazine (17th November 2012 ed.) entitled ‘Getting all emotional: Computers are learning how abstract art moves us, and could use that to enhance their own masterpieces‘.

Here is a quote from it:

ECSTASY. Joy. Sadness. Despair. The sweeping lines and blocks of colour in abstract art prompt us to respond emotionally in ways that we do not really understand. Now computers are getting in on the act, and the results could add a new dimension to the weird world of artificial creativity.

The article describes a study whereby computers are able to predict what emotions are triggered by various colours and forms that may challenge the pluralist interpretative beliefs held by postmodern philosophy.

In response to this article artist Trevor Barton ( and Dr Christian Honey DPhil (Oxon) Institute of Biomedical Engineering have written the following piece: The Work of Art in the Age of A.I. and Neuroscience.

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